I visited her former cafe and the place where she was found dead. Her death became a great scandal, as some thought it may have been murder, I lean towards the Roland West theory, it was said he did not want her to go out again that night so he locked her in the garage to teach her a lesson.. picture Thelma Todd drunk sitting in the car, in the garage ready to drive off fighting with her lover.. so he locked her in, in the morning much to his shock she was dead. Thelma was very drunk that night, I suppose she passed out and died from the car fumes.
We will never know what really happened.
The Cafe today.
The Garage she was found dead in.
Thelma Todd's ghost.. haha
The door to the garage..look at the tile
If walls could talk.....
I would like to talk to you more if I may? Email me at wickedalliance73@yahoo.com